Monday, July 6, 2009

all is welll

All is VERY well but blogspot blocked most of the time here in China, so I'm typing as fast as I can to get it out....seems to be a time limit.
Kelly is GREAT, a real toddler, and we are seeing much progress every day. She is giggling, playing and cuddling now and showing a really cute personality. I am going to stop this post, try to publish and come back to it, but wanted to say all is well, and we are so happy!!! just frustrated not being able to blog,,,,be right backe.


  1. Congrats! Kelly is just beautiful and I'm glad your enjoying giggles and smiles:) Enjoy your trip!!!

    Heather (FL)

  2. Every time I check your blog Michael keeps commenting on how gorgeous her eyes are! Glad all is well, bummer about blogger. I know you can't wait to come home.


  3. I am glad to hear that Kelly is adjusting well. We are leaving for China tommorow and went ahead and switched our blog due to problems with blogger. I hope the rest of the trip goes just as well!
