Friday, April 9, 2010

April is here and Easter has come and gone. What fun. Lots of family, and eggs! Our annual, massive Easter Egg Hunt was a hit, Kelly really got into it, and had a great time. She's figured out that those foil wrapped eggs are pretty good, and if you can unwrap them really fast, you can cram them into your mouth before Mommy can stop you! The Easter Bunny is her hero now....
Before Easter, we had Winter Formal, which both Cory and Jamie went to and had lots of fun at, those are the pictures you see of them all dressed up. Usually those two are in work out clothes, as Crew takes up most of their time. Jamie is the only Freshman on the Varstiy team, she rows Lightweight and is amazingly strong and focased. Loves it. Cory is till the Varsity A coxswain and all her years of hard work have paid off: she was recruited by many schools, but her top pick has always been U.C. Berkeley, and she just accepted their offer. Hard to believe she'll be off to Cal this summer!
Kelly continues with Speech and is making steady, but slow progress. She is also taking swim lessons which she loves...part fish that one. Hopefully by summer's end she'll be pool safe, but for now she just puts her head in, moves her arms and legs a lot but doesnt' really go anywhere! It will come and soon she'll sprout gills with all the time she spends in the water.